Reference TED. (2014). Allan Adams: The discovery that could rewrite physics. Retrieved from
The trend is encouraged not purged, enthused not scoffed, and a pride crowned to few selects. A cancerous cell, clearly seen with the prism of secretly uncounted business deals delivered… read more →
Oil fracking is a methodological process employed in the fracturing of rock by a pressurized liquid. Induced hydraulic fracturing or hydrofracturing technique pressurized water, sand and chemicals mixtures into wellbore… read more →
Apparently, the US FDA is not giving up on the clarity of nutritional factsheet labeling. The latest improvement intends to change nutritional factsheet labeling from the norms of fine-print to… read more →
Evidence-based approach in public health practices is the best alternative and effective measure in advancing public health policy. Evidence-based measure is simply supporting or refuting a claim with scientific data… read more →
Health care inequality is social inequality, and a reminder of human injustice towards vulnerable population. According to Whitehead, healthcare disparity is “differences in health that are not only avoidable and… read more →
Societal or individual behavior is inextricably linked to the community or individual characteristic traits, and behavioral traits are subject to case by case basis and the community, in question. When… read more →
In a free society, social justice is the central core to the field of public health. It evaluates and accounts for equitable distribution of public health merits and advocates for… read more →
One of the most important aspects of data collection and analysis in a clinical study is creating quality assurance sources which will ensure data integrity. As the globalization of clinical… read more →
There are many factors and vectors that are medium or precursor in the transport and spread of diseases, health outcomes or conditions. More importantly, human beings are not just victims… read more →
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