Abstract Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER-2) is a growth factor receptor encoded by ERBB2 gene, an avian erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2. The ERBB2 gene is located… read more →
The cost of medicinal products especially in the US is getting to the point where medical care will become a luxury rather than a necessity or need. The high cost… read more →
Abstract It takes 10-15 years to bring a new chemical entity (NCE) or medicinal product in the market. While research and development for a new chemical entity or a medicinal… read more →
Risk based approach is a systematic process established to encourage adoption of new technologies, modern quality management techniques, quality system approaches and regulatory reviews/inspections. It also enhances the consistency and… read more →
Medical devices range from prosthetic biometrics to several other devices that are used to assist humans and animals in managing a behavioral, physiological and other deficiencies, and in other cases… read more →
The idea of personalized medicine is growing within the pharmaceutical industry. One of the major objectives of personalized medicine is it’s potential in targeting disease or designing a cure based… read more →
The content of this video contains compelling evidence and concern of human health in relation to the use of new technology. However, the solution to this problem is debatable. On… read more →
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