Heavy Cell Phone Use-The New Generation Tobacco, Linked To Cancer

Scientists have shown that heavy cell phone use causes brain tumor. The Swedish National Institute for Working Life and the University of Oerebro’s study among 4,400 individuals— involving cancer patients, and the other half healthy subjects as the control group made some astonishing and disturbing discoveries.  The result from the study suggested a 240% increased risks of developing a malignant tumor among heavy users of cell phones (West, n.d).   Although the level of radio frequency emitted by cell phone is small, the study suggested that heavy use of cell phone complicates the issue.  Regardless of how much radio frequency one needed to be exposed to in order to induce brain tumors, it is important for consumers to take proactive precautions when using a cell phone (Sadetzki, 2008).  In 2011, the world health organization’s international agency for research on cancer classified radio-frequency fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (FDA, 2011). The best tip to avoid this upcoming cancer epidemic is by using wireless phones less frequently, and hands-free phones often to limit the radio frequency to the brain.


Food and Drug Administration. (2011). Radiation-Emitting Products.  Retrieved from http://www.fda.gov/Radiation-EmittingProducts/RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/HomeBusinessandEntertainment/CellPhones/ucm116335.htm.

Sadetzki, S. (2008).  Heavy Cell Phone Use Linked To Cancer, Study Suggests. Science Daily.    Retrieved from http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02 /080214144349.htm.

West, L. (n.d).  Heavy Use of Mobile Phones Increases Cancer Risk, Study Finds.  Retrieved       from http://environment.about.com/od/healthenvironment/a/cancerphones.htm.